Workshop Platform
I. Management of contracts from a regulatory standpoint
1. GENERAL regulatory framework applicable to public works.
General framework of the regulations, context and hierarchy of the regulation for public works contracts D.S. N° 75, giving an account of organic to the Interior of the Ministry of Public work, as well as of the main characteristics common to all type of contract of execution of Public works.
2. Special regulatory framework applicable to public works.
Administrative Bases preapproved by the Comptroller General of the Republic for the execution of public works contracts, essential differences between various types of work and modalities of hiring, acts affecting reasoning and analysis of regulations Associated with modifications of work and contractual term.
3. Management workshop of legal contingencies in construction
Class with special emphasis on the management of contingencies typical of constructive activity from a legal standpoint, considering accidents in work, damage to third parties, administrative and contractual fines, as well as audits of the agencies of the Administration of the State and the way to relate to each one of them.
4. Labour law applied to the construction industry
The objective is to provide tools for better legal management of labour issues within the construction companies, exposing the most relevant principles of this regulation and treating recurring practical cases within the management of human resources, in order to Provide a case learning.
5. Crime prevention module within the company
Participants will be able to identify the crimes that may affect the company, the penalties involved and the forms established by the order to prevent the company’s liability by incorporating a certified crime prevention model.
6. New trends in infrastructure projects.
Discussion on the latest trends concerning changes in regulation applicable to the public works contract, main problems of the regulation in force, and proposals from participants and recounters.
7. Assessment of Knowledge
Final evaluation based on classes and practical cases carried out in order to evaluate the knowledge and skills acquired through the workshops given.
Contract management and soft skills.
8. Negotiation and conflict management techniques
In order to facilitate the success of an organization in achieving its objectives, it is essential that its members at all levels can deploy negotiating skills in conflict and decision-making, taking care of and respecting the relationship with the client and their Representatives. With this workshop, the participants should be able to plan the negotiation, generate the necessary confidences, and create options of value that allow the obtaining of beneficial agreements.
9. Effective communication.
In this workshop the participants will be able to become aware of the main elements involved in the communication, the conditions necessary to make it effective, the impact that the communication style has on the internal working space, in front of the Constituent and its representatives, the foregoing, with a view to facilitating the achievement of the objectives of the Organization.
- Organizational Leadership
Through this workshop participants will be able to recognize their own style of leadership, strengths and weaknesses, with the aim of developing the skills necessary to exercise an adequate guide to the work teams.
- Teamwork
Through this workshop, participants will be able to identify how their own work team works and is structured, to recognize what their most common practices are, with a view to strengthening their strengths, working on their weaknesses and establishing trusts and Commitments among its members.