Training and experience
Lawyer at the Universidad Central de Chile (1996). He has studied postgraduate and specialization, such as: Master in Law of the Company (Pontifical Catholic University of Chile); Diploma in Protection Resource (Universidad Diego portales); Diploma in Management and Public policy (FLACSO-ECLAC); Since the year 1997 has been specializing in contracts of public works, exercising as adviser of the subdivision of Works of the Directorate of Roads of the Ministry of Public Works, and from the year 2000 to 2011 as head of the juridical branch of the same direction . During his professional year, he has been representing the road management in commissions for the drafting of important regulations and regulation of public works. It has also corresponded to the resolution and advice to the Ministry of Public works in various matters related to the development of the country’s road infrastructure. It has practice, among other matters, in administration of public works contracts, analysis and resolution of administrative claims, penalties to contractors and indemnifications. It also has specialized knowledge in rules of access to public roads, Parallelisms and Atraviesoss, road publicity, and Reopenings and clearing of public roads by presumption and resulting from the agrarian reform process (CORA).